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Our History

Gallelis began operations in 2004 as Pastisseria Ambrosia, crafting artisanal pastry products of the highest quality, earning the satisfaction and loyalty of corporate clients nationwide.

In 2014, Gallelis rebranded, expanding its vision and launching its first two brands.

​ Our logo is inspired by an ancient oriental legend that speaks of an invisible thread connecting people who are destined to meet, regardless of time, distance, or circumstances. This thread, which can never be broken, symbolizes the deep and enduring connection between our products and those who enjoy them. At Gallelis, we believe that every cookie, cake, or pastry we create is an extension of this thread, weaving together experiences that unite hearts and create unforgettable memories. This invisible thread also represents the commitment and passion of each member of our team, from the first step in production until our products reach the hands of our consumers. Gallelis embraces this legend as a core part of its essence, ensuring that every creation carries a piece of our dedication and love.


Ser reconocidos por nuestros consumidores como una empresa sólida, rentable y socialmente responsable, líder en el desarrollo de productos de repostería de alta calidad y sabor.


Lograr todos nuestros consumidores disfruten de los productos de Gallelis en todos sus momentos de antojo.


  • Colaboración: Trabajamos en equipo, sumando esfuerzos para multiplicar nuestros logros.

  • Compromiso: Hacemos nuestro máximo esfuerzo para brindar el mejor producto y cumpliendo con la mejor calidad para nuestros clientes.

  • Calidez Humana: Promoviendo el respeto y la integridad de la personas dentro y fuera de la empresa.

  • Responsabilidad: Ejecutamos con precisión y excelencia respetando los tiempos de nuestros clientes.